
Path: lib/rtopsy/url_info.rb
Last Update: Wed Oct 28 23:55:50 -0400 2009

This is the url_info class for the topsy library. An UrlInfo has the following attributes:

     "topsy_trackback_url" : "http://topsy.com/tb/twitter.com/",
     "oneforty" : "Twitter: What are you doing? http://twurl.nl/pd8k44",
     "url" : "http://twitter.com/",
     "title" : "Twitter: What are you doing?",
     "trackback_total" : "24152",
     "description" : "Social networking and microblogging service utilising instant messaging, SMS or a web interface.",
     "description_attribution" : "From DMOZ"

According to the official Topsy doc: code.google.com/p/otterapi/wiki/Resources?tm=6#/urlinfo

For complete documentation on the options, check out the topsy api docs.

